Volunteer Services Program
Volunteer Services

The mission of the Volunteer Services Program is to promote access to quality health care for the medically underserved and uninsured residents of Florida through the commitment of volunteers. The Volunteer Health Services Program accomplishes its role through two volunteer programs authorized by Chapters 110 and 766, Florida Statutes.
The Chapter 110 volunteer program is an internal state agency program, which provides opportunities for anyone who wants to donate goods and/or their services to those in need under the supervision of the Department of Health. A variety of volunteer opportunities are available in many DOH facilities to individuals with clerical, administrative, technical and professional skills. You must be 18 years prior to the start of volunteer duties.
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Application Form: After you find an area of interest, you must complete the Volunteer Application Form and 2 Personal Reference Questionnaires.
Submit the completed application and questionnaires to MiamiDade@FLHealth.gov Once placement is confirmed, the Volunteer Coordinator will contact you to schedule your background screening to secure your placement at DOH-Miami Dade County. You must pass background screening and complete mandatory training modules to volunteer with DOH-Miami Dade Volunteer Services Coordinator
Email: MiamiDade@FLHealth.gov
Volunteer Health Care Provider Program
The Volunteer Health Care Provider Program, s. 766.1115, F.S., allows private licensed health care providers to volunteer their services to the medically indigent residents of Florida with incomes at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level and be under the state's sovereign immunity. Through a contract, a provider can be designated an "agent of the state" and have sovereign immunity for uncompensated services rendered to clients determined eligible and referred by DOH. Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Florida Department of Health in Miami Dade County. For more information about the Volunteer Health Services Program please contact
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Email: MiamiDade@flhealth.gov
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