Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
- miamidadewic@flhealth.gov
- 786-336-1300
WIC Appointment Line - 786-336-1336
Breastfeeding Help Line and Breast Pump Program
Learn more about TeleWIC with a step-by-step guide here.
We're here to help.
Miami-Dade WIC provides healthy food, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and family resources to around 70,000 women, infants, children, and families in Miami-Dade County. If you're pregnant, recently postpartum, or a caretaker of a child under age five, you can get personalized support for you and your family at one of our 15 WIC Centers.
Download our latest Miami-Dade WIC Outreach Flyer!
It’s easy to apply.
Simply call us at 786-336-1300and schedule your appointment today at your preferredWIC Center.
Our call center is open Monday through Friday 7:15 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Who can receive WIC benefits?
- Women who are pregnant, recently postpartum or breastfeeding
- Infants
- Children up to 5 years
We welcome migrant families, military families, fathers, foster parents and legal guardians with eligible children. Our WIC income guidelines below will help determine if you are eligible for WIC.
How can I qualify?
- Legal residency / citizenship is NOT required (WIC does not report legal status to the federal government
- Must live in Florida (citizenship not required)
- Must be income eligible
WIC Income Guidelines
Contact WIC at 786-336-1300to schedule an appointment. Our income guidelines should only be used as a reference.
If you receive food assistance (SNAP), Medicaid, or Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) you are automatically income eligible.
Many working families are a part of WIC.
If you have more than 8 people in your household, please call 786-336-1300 for more details.
Things to consider for income and household size:
- For a pregnant woman, each unborn baby counts as 1 extra person in the household size.
- Maternity / Paternity leave
- Loss of employment (temporary or long term)
- Gaps in income (i.e. teacher summer break)
- Caring for a family member in your household
- Private health insurance does not affect eligibility
- Enrollment in other government assistance programs not required.
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
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