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TB Program Structure

To perform the stated goals efficiently, the program is made up of four services. The four services are:

  1. Clinical Services
  2. Field (Outreach) Services
  3. Surveillance Services
  4. Administrative Support Services

  1. Clinical Services
    Clinical Services operates three TB clinics at the following locations in the County:

    Health District Center
    1350 NW 14th Street
    Miami, FL 33125
    Telephone number: (305) 575-5401

    Little Haiti Health Center
    300 N.E. 80th Terrace
    Miami, Florida 33138
    Telephone numbers: (305) 795-2100 and (305) 795-2030

    West Perrine Health Center
    18255 Homestead Ave.
    Miami, Florida 33156
    Telephone numbers: (305) 256-6315 and (305) 234-5400

Clinical Services include:

  • Identify and treat all cases of active tuberculosis disease.
  • Diagnosis of patients with tuberculosis infection and treatment as indicated.
  • Civil Surgeon services, Status adjuster, EDN
  • Nursing Services: TB case management, LTBI, TB clearance
  • Radiology services
  • Testing and Laboratory services
  1. Field Services
    Field Services is responsible for all outreach activities aimed at screening and identifying persons exposed to Tuberculosis and for the administration of Directly Observed Therapy (DOT).

    Field Services provides the following services:
  • Contact Investigations
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) Services
  • Video Directly Observed Therapy (VDOT)
  • Directly Observed Preventive Therapy (DOPT) Services
  • Community Based Organizations (CBO) liaison
  • Institutional Outreach (i.e., correctional facilities, homeless shelters, etc.)
  • Social (holistic patient care) Services
  • Tuberculosis Education
  • Targeted Testing


  1. Surveillance Services
    Surveillance Services is responsible for all functions pertaining to reporting, surveillance and analysis of TB cases in the county, including:
  • Obtaining reports from physicians, laboratories, and hospitals (ICPs) on suspected cases of Tuberculosis.
  • Liaison with reporting facilities to obtain TB confirmation.
  • Liaison with other providers to ensure compliance with standard of care for TB treatment.
  • Maintain a database of all suspected TB cases reported to the DOH and ensure a disposition on each report.
  • Report all confirmed cases of Tuberculosis to the State Bureau of TB Control.
  • Maintain a database of all reported B1 and B2 immigrants and refugees.
  • Coordinate interjurisdiction clients.

  1. Administrative Support Services
    Administrative Support Services is responsible for all program support services.